life have always been oals. 活下去,活得好好的,活得更好一直是我的目标。 I reer every wron done to and will never foret the 别人对我的不好,我一点一点的记在心里,永远也不会忘记。 Siltaneously, abilities st radually acculate over ti, day by day. 同时我的能力也要随着时间的流逝一点一点的积累,一天一天的积累。 One st first ass a specific nuer of difications before attetin to accolish a qualitative shift. 要想达到质变,首先必须要积累到一定量的量变。 Haste kes waste. Choose the best option within your capability. 欲速则不达,选择最好的,选择自己所能够选择的最好的。 Then, never look back. Even if I de the wron choice, I could only keep vin forward because life cannot be rewound, and the past will never return. There''''s no redy for reret in this world, so don''''t leave any roofor it. 然后往事不回头,即使自己选择错了,也只能继续走下去,因为人生不可倒退,往事也不会重来,这个世上从来都没有后悔的药可买,所以不要给自己留下后悔的病。 I once thouht tears had dried up in previous life, but now so ny tears still fall. It see that I still have tears to shed, which is so ood. 原以为我的泪水前世已经流干,可是现在还有那么多泪水落下,看来还是有泪水的,还是没有流干的,这很好,很好。
Chapter 16: The Xu Residence(2 / 2)