着不治之症。十六七岁的我咬着牙齿要父亲退婚。 How could I rry soone who was so sick? 我怎么能够嫁给一个病秧子呢? My father areed that the rriae was a bad idea and didn''''t want to ruin life, so he prosed to help cancel the enaent with the n''''s faly. 父亲也觉得这婚事不成,不能就这样毁了我一辈子,所以我父亲答应帮我去男方家退婚。 On the day father went to cancel the enaent, I was still doin business at the rket as usual. Adst the bustlin crowd, a neihbor ca to infor. 父亲去退婚的那天,我仍然像往常一样在集市做着生意,街上人来人往中,有邻居找来告诉我。 "Lotus, your father has been beaten!" “莲儿,你的父亲被打了!” "What? Who did it?" I asked anrily. Who was bullyin hithis ti? “什么,谁打他了?”我听闻愤怒道,这次又是谁欺负他? Our faly had been constantly bullied since we were youn. My father was weak, and so neihbors who were bullies often looked for trouble, tryin to beat father. I would protect hieach ti, fiercely fihtin back aainst those who bullied us, desperately shieldin hi 我们一家从小受尽欺负,父亲懦弱,街里邻居有那些欺软怕硬者时常找麻烦,要打父亲,每次都是我护着,不要命地反击着欺负我们的那些人,拼命地护着他。
Chapter 7: Turbulent Childho(2 / 2)