not hesitate to hand over all his private ney to . 从这天开始我就开始从他身上榨取金钱和财富,而他却毫不犹豫的双手奉上了他的所有私有钱。 He always tried his best to satisfy , no tter how unreasonable the request was or how reedy I was. 对我的无理要求向来都是来者不拒,并且想方设法的去完成,无论我提的要求是多么的荒唐,无论我露出了一副多么贪得无厌的嘴脸。 I put all the actin with these rich youn sters around in the past; life is all about actin and pretendin, with countless sches in heart and endless strateies in nd. So I have barely lost to anyone, but all the tricks I used on Yu YuJun were not for ain but to push hiaway fro only. 以往我和身边的那些富贵公子哥们都是演戏,除了装还是装,胸中无数的计谋,脑中无尽的谋略,所以我失手的时候非常的少,而对于玉雨均我却是使劲手段的让他离开,并不想从他身上获得一丁点好处。 Seein that he brouht up the House of the Pri Minister in front of , I ascared of ettin self into trouble, so I aradually rerettin it now. 眼看他都要快把相国府都搬过来给我了,所谓怀璧其罪。我渐渐的怕了,也渐渐的后悔了。