accept it. However, this ti, the lady boss crossed her bottoline and could no loner stay silent. 这是她的命,既然是命中注定,那她只能接受,可是这一次这老板娘已经越过了她的底线,她不能在装聋作哑了。 The sle in her eyes slowly turned icy, and her voice was calyet bone-chillin: "Mother, all these years, I''''ve never underestited you, and I suest you don''''t underestite either." 她眼中的笑意渐渐变得冰冷,声音平静且带点冰冷刺骨的感觉:“妈妈,这么多年来,我从来没有低估过你,我劝你也不要低估我。” "My beautiful and sweet flower, what are you talkin about? I don''''t understand at all." “我的小美人花儿呀,你在说什么,妈妈我可一点都听不懂。” This irl is so unrateful. She is really fully-fleded now! 这姑娘真是个忘恩负义的人,她还真是翅膀硬了。 Her initial plan was to push her into a relationship with a n, break her spirit, and elinate any possible escape routes. After all, no ood faly would want a won who had lost her virinity. 她本想让她和一男子先生米煮成熟饭了,后面就能挫挫她的锐气,把她的后路全部给砍断了,毕竟没有一个好人家的公子会要一个失去了清白之身的女子。