nkin about sothin, but also as if he was in outer space. It''''s hard to tell what''''s on His nd. 他的目光淡淡地,似在想着什么,又好像神游太空心思难猜。 Second Youn Master was used to havin everythin under his control. As brilliant as he was, he knew that she did not want to have anythin to do with hi He also understood why. 云淡风轻的二公子习惯了一切在自己掌握中的生活方式,拥有七窍玲珑心的他知道她不想和自己有牵扯,而自己也很明白她为什么要这么做。 This irl knew when to advance and when to retreat. She had a ood sense of decency. Her teerant and self-control were sothin that even a n like hihad to adre. 这是一个懂进退,分寸把握得很好的姑娘,这份心性,这份自制力,就是身为男子又自负的他也不得不佩服几分。 It is rare to et such a confidant in life. What an honour it is to et with a like-nded irl. 人生一世难得遇到这样的知己,今日有幸遇到志同道合的姑娘真是让人开心 Even thouh he didn''''t have deep contact with won, ny irls would always ather wherever he went because too ny liked hi A youn irl with such a disposition is hard to find nowadays. 纵然他并未与任何女子有过深入接触,但是喜欢他的女子太多,他的所到之处往往是女子聚集入,但是如她这样心性的姑娘真的不多多了。