/br> “参考燃炎杖属性,我前期反正装备不齐全,先出一把,死了丢,当红buff用了,万一烫死了呢?” 然后,季向空脑洞大开。他们三个人在训练营里试了一下三层叠加的效果,让季向空在这场决赛上赢得出其不意。 ———————————————————————————————————————— “What are you willin to lose 你准备牺牲什么 You cover your wounds but underneath the 伤痕累累,掩于心底 A llion voices in your head that whisper "Stop now" 纵有千声鬼魅,羁绊于耳 Another twist of the knife turn of the screws 依旧披星执剑,向棘而生 It''''s all in your nd and it''''s fihtin you 纷繁杂念,决于一刻 Aryourself a storis con 紧握双拳,天启将临 ……” 如果说上一首歌点燃全场,这首歌慵懒,直击灵魂是的低喃唱进了所有人心中,哪怕听不懂歌词,都会有一种震撼和感动。 林逸轩眼眶有些湿润。裴熙和孙泽毅对视一眼,听懂了所有歌词的两个人看着背后大屏幕上弥雅自己做的翻译,心中不知是感激还是什么。 季向空上辈子绝对拯救银河系了! “Well kid What you onna do now 就在今天,你要何去何从 It''''s your reflection lookin back to pull you down 向前是涅槃,向后是平庸 So are you onna die today or ke it out alive 坠入无尽深渊,或登临永恒之殿 You otta conquer the nster in your head and then you''''ll fly 让鬼魅臣服,你会翱于山巅 Fly Phoenix fly 烈火凤凰,张开双翼 It''''s ti for a new eire 新的王朝,终将降临 Go bury your dens then tear down the ceilin 埋葬你的心魔,挣脱束缚的枷锁 Phoenix fly 烈火凤凰,浴火飞翔” 凤凰,带着传奇,威腾,开拓者,代表着中国所有的战队,传承了两代电竞选手的精神,获得了2019年全球总决赛的冠军。 拿上奖杯的那一刻,季向空忍不住抱住身边的兄弟,然后奔向那个朝自己走来的女孩。 顾放把两枚冠军戒指挂在了奖杯上,想以此提醒后辈,继续前行。 今夜的冠军,是凤凰。浴火而来,涅槃重生! “And now you''''re playin with tches co out of the ashes 星星之火,沉寂的灰烬复燃 Underneath you a llion voices in the crowd they''''re screan "Stop now" 灰烬之中,千声鬼魅阻止向前 Well let ''''eswallow their pride you''''re turnin the tide to true believers 就让阴影吞没过去的荣耀,从世界见证你力挽狂澜 Got thein the palof your hand you''''re playin God now 命运在握,彷如天神下凡 …… Go bury your dens then tear do
chapter.17(完结章)(3 / 4)