She understood that even a bad iression was better than bein unknown, better than bein forotten or overlooked. 因为她知道坏印象也好过默默无闻没有半点印象,也好过被淡忘,被遗忘。 She wanted Zhan Guoyin to reer that durin their ti at the Ierial Acade, a irl nad Cui Yu had loved hiwith deep, passionate, and unyieldin devotion. 她就是要让张国英以后如果但凡想到自己在京师学堂的学业时光,就会想到在这里曾经有那么个女孩名叫崔玉,爱他,爱得惊天动地,爱得痴心妄想。 Reardless of whether Zhan Guoyin held even the slihtest affection for her, she aid to plant a seed of love for hiin his heart. 不管他张国英会不会对自己有那么一丁点好感,自己也要在张国英心中种下一颗自己爱他的种子。 After all, it''''s difficult for anyone to despise soone who truly loves the 因为对一个爱自己的人,但凡是人都很难真正地讨厌吧! For Cui Yu, this was a hih-stakes ale. She risked her reputation and was deterned, for the ti bein, to hold on to this one lifeline until she could find a better one. This stratey was akin to the sayin, "A talented bird chooses the best tree to perch on, and a wise nister chooses the best lord to serve." 这对于我崔玉来说是一次豪赌,我赌上了自己的名声,也打算暂时就在这一棵树上吊死,直到我能找到另外一棵更好的树,这就是所谓的良禽择木而栖,贤臣择主而事的谋略。 This hih-stakes ale tested ability to jude people and own wisdo Althouh it seed I had won the bet, the chaos of war had taken its toll. How ny people were displaced? 这一次的豪赌赌的是我自己看人的眼光,赌的是我自己的智慧,而我似乎赌赢了,战火烽烟,多少人流离失所? How ny lives were sacrificed as the old and new dynasties clashed for power? How ny blood-soaked bones were traled upon to establish the new Old Dynasty? 新旧王权的更替,又埋了多少白骨? 又是踏上了多少血淋淋的尸骨才建立起来的新的旧王朝? In tis of prosperity, the people suffer; in tis of decline, they also suffer. The Cui faly did not take sides, but we were still cauht up in the conflict. 兴,百姓苦; 亡,百姓苦。崔家没有站队,但是也受到了牵连。 Durin the siee, we had no choice but to flee the violence and abandon our centuries-old Cui Mansion, wanderin the lands in search of refue. 就在这一次攻城中,我们为了逃难,逃避战火的伤害,只得丢弃了百年繁华的崔宅,四处流浪。