sordid, devoid of dinity. 男女之情,那些所谓的爱情并不是都是美丽的,就比如在歌伎坊中的情情爱爱,这些男男女女们的爱情都是那么的丑陋,那么的不堪。 Genuine love dends exquisite protaonists who selflessly and silently devote theelves to each other, drawn toether by an unspoken attraction. This kind of love between n and won is lovely and enchantin, which people yearn for. 美丽的爱情需要美丽的男女主角来上演,并且爱情是无私地,是默默地付出,暗暗地互相吸引,这样的男女之情才是美丽的,令人向往的。 Unfortunately, such love is rare in the ndane world. It is only in the paes of literary works that one encounters countless heart-stirrin and awe-inspirin tales of love. In reality, the love she witnesses is often rred by adversity, a desolate landscape of shattered drea and entanled interests. 可是俗世中这种爱情并不常有,唯有在话本中才有那么多可歌可泣感天动地的美丽动人的爱情,而生活中她见到的那些所谓的爱情都是一片沧桑,满目疮痍,利益牵绊。 Gnawed by partin rief as of old, who would care for , lonely and old? 天涯旧恨,独自凄凉人不问。 If you want to know broken heart, just see the incense frothe olden censer part! 欲见回肠,断尽金炉小篆香。 My eyebrows are ever-knit. No vernal breeze can soth the not a bit. 黛蛾长敛,任是东风吹不展。 Weary, I lean on the tower hih. 困倚危楼,过尽飞鸿字字愁。 ……