let self be involved in and burdened by love? 可惜,我的身世低微如尘,既然明知没有结果,何必让自己深陷其中,为情所累? I''''ve already suffered enouh in life, and I don''''t want to be trapped by love any loner, desirin for what I cannot have while bein accoanied by yearnin tears every day. 我这一生已经够苦够累,我不想再为情所困,求而不得,每日与相思泪为伴。 I want to spend the rest of days without worry, without a heart or fears, and to always be happy, wealthy, and free. 我愿往后的日子里做一个自由自在的人,没有心,没有烦恼,一直能够做一个快乐,富贵,无拘无束的人。 My harsh words do not ke hiive up, and he still follows as usual. 我的那些不中听的言语并没有让对方放弃,他仍然如往常一般跟了过来。 “Youn ster, You''''re so youn, with a lon future ahead. It''''s your chance to achieve your aition and take off. With your talents and status, you will surely be steady enouh to win a prosin future as a nister or even a rquis. Don''''t waste your ti on soone like . It''''s not worth it.” “公子,你还如此年轻,岁月还长,正是你春风得意快马加鞭的时候,以你的天资和身份未来必将稳稳当当的出将入相封官拜侯,不要在我这种人身上浪费时间,不值得。” "Only the wearer knows where the shoes hurt. I know what I adoin. I have thouht it throuh. I didn''''t ke the decision on iulse. I want to look after you for the rest of life." “如人饮水冷暖自知,我知道自己在做什么。我不是没有想清楚,也不是一时冲动才做出的决定,我想要照顾你一辈子。”