entually catchin up and surpassin . 我们从小一起学艺,一起长大,刚开始我处处胜过你,而你处处不如人,可是后来你刻苦学习,比任何人都刻苦,居然后来居上赶上我,甚至还超越我了。 Your na is widely known. Everyone calls you a beauty with unparalleled talent. 你名声在外,别人都说你天赋过人才色双绝。 You y not realize that frothe nt you first showed your potential and unveiled your talents, I felt threatened. Since that day, I''''ve been workin tirelessly behind the scenes, pushin self harder than anyone else, unwillin to settle for bein overshadowed by you or overtaken by soone who started out behind . 你不知道的是从你刚崭露头角,初露锋芒的那一天开始,从那一日起我就感觉到了威胁,所以我默默地在背后比任何人都刻苦努力学习,就是不想被甘于你之下,就是不想被你这个后来居上的人超越了。 So that people would not take lihtly. I just don''''t want to be inferior to you. I just don''''t wish to be surpassed by you, soone who catches up later. 这样人们才不会轻视我。我只是不想比你低一等。我只是不希望被你超越,被一个后来居上的人超越。 But You are naturally ifted. Nothin is hard for you as lon as you put your nd to it and work hard. Nothin in this world you can''''t learn or do well. 但是你却天赋异禀,只要你肯努力下决心去做,好像你学什么都轻而易举,这世上就没有什么是你学不会的,是你做不好的。 You snatched the nuer one fro effortlessly. I thouht hard work could chane everythin. 你轻易地从我手中夺走了第一名,我以为努力能改变这一切。