led the endin of the incident. However, the won''''s sixth sense told her it could only be hiand st be hi 又加上他默默地为了自己做了很多收尾工作,虽然他从来不曾提及,也从来都没有露过面,其他人也无从得知是他的背后推波助澜处理了此次事件的结局。但是女人的第六感告诉自己,只能是他,也一定是他。 What''''s re, she had always been confident in her IQ. She would never sjude a person, let alone ke a stake. 更何况她对自己的智商向来自信,她不会看错人,更很少断错事。 But she wants to know what re he did for her because she can feel that the boss treated her differently after this. 她想要知道他还为她做了什么,因为她能明显的感觉到从那件事后妈妈对她不一样了。 That’s very strane, and she knows the boss well. How could she suddenly be so polite to her after her schen failed? She should hate her to the uts. 这件事很不可思议,她很清楚妈妈是个什么样的人,那事没有办成,定然对自己更是咬牙切齿,为何突然对自己这么客气礼让? However, a person like hidid ood deeds without leavin a na. Even if she asked, he would not say anythin. 可是他这样的人做好事不留名,哪怕是自己问了怕也不会说的。