erish with you even if I die. I will definitely avene self first before I die." “我告诉你,就是死我也要和你同归于尽,我死之前一定会先为自己报仇雪恨。” Grittin her teeth, she was born to be proud, and such a irl as she is who doesn’t need anythin else to prove what she is de of. 咬咬牙,挺挺胸,凤标何需世时装? And he just happened to have sharp eyes that could see throuh a person''''s soul. 而他正好有一双厉眼,能够看透一个人灵魂的厉眼。 Even thouh she ca froa hule faly, she was still better than ny noble youn ladies in the capital by just standin there! 这样的女子哪怕出身寒微,但是这样的人随便往哪里一站,就胜过京城多少名门闺秀! Other people ht be blind, but he was not one of the and he had never been! 世人也许眼拙鱼目混珠,可是他不是,他玉雨均不是! She was born with wisdoand fearless, and her nature was innately noble. Unfortunately, the dark clouds covered the sun, and it concealed her briht onliht, causin her not to be able to shine as usual. 天生慧根,性本高洁,天生傲骨、心比天高,奈何乌云蔽日,遮住了这轮皎洁的月光,让其不能正常地发光发亮。 However, even thouh the pearls and jades were covered in dust, nothin could conceal the essence of the brilliance. 然而珠玉即使蒙尘,也难掩其自身本质上的光华。 He believed there would be a day when she would be like a phoenix risin frothe ashes and be able to soar into the sky after overcon all the hardships. 他相信有一天她会如凤凰浴火、涅槃展翅、凤翔九天。