ook off the headdress, pearls, and other accessories as fast as she could, and then took off her dancin clothes. The door opened when she had just put on the idservant''''s clothes. 进到房中时,她立刻翻出小草的一件简便的衣服,用最快的速度摘下头饰珍珠等配件,褪去自己自己的舞衣,刚刚穿上丫环的衣服时,就见房门打开了。 She thouht it was rass returned, but she was so frihtened after seein the n before her. 她原以为是小草回来了,谁知她往门那边一看却让她胆战心惊,居然是那个男人。 How terrifyin! 好家伙。 She didn''''t expect he would follow her to Grass''''s rooso quickly. 没想到他居然尾随自己而来到小草的房间,而且这么地快。 …… The second youn ster didn''''t see the lady but happened to et her id, Grass. Althouh they hadn''''t spoken, they had t froa distance before, so they knew each other. 玉雨均没有见到徐芊芊,却正好让他遇到了徐芊芊的丫环小草,两人虽未说过话,但是以前曾远远地见过面,双方都知道对方,有那么个人在。